How To Save Five Thousand Dollars in a Year

pile and bags full of money clipart
Five thousand dollars is a lot of money, and if you are an impulse buyer who doesn’t like to save money, this article might help you save up. For this method, you will need a box, a writing utensil, a lot of envelopes(100), and maybe some fun stickers or drawings if you like to be decorative and creative. Once you have all of your materials, write down the numbers 1-100 on each envelope. Once you have this done, shuffle up all of the envelopes into a random order. Every week you will choose a number of envelopes you would like to pick out. For example, you will do one per week or 2-3 per week, or however, many you desire. The more envelopes you do per week, the quicker you will save up money. Let’s say you decide to pick two envelopes per week, so you pick them out, and they have the numbers 4 and 77 on them. You will put 4 dollars in the four one and 77 in the seventy-seven one. If you want to keep the envelopes with money separate from those you haven’t done yet to keep the money organized, feel free to.
There are benefits to doing this method. One reason is that you can save a lot of money in a short period of time without having to sacrifice a lot of money at a single time. Another benefit is that you can save up for whatever you want, such as a car, college, or maybe you want to treat yourself and your family to a nice vacation at the end of the year. You can also save extra money as an emergency fund, retirement money, etc. A smart idea would also be to invest the money into the stock market so you can increase the amount of money you made.