Taking Charge of Anxiety
Anxiety can be defined in various ways. It’s a feeling of unease or worry. Before a test or big sports game, you could experience anxiety. You can even face it when going to school on the first day and not wanting to walk in and get yourself so worked up. Every person has most likely experienced this emotion at least once in their life. What’s most important is knowing how to deal with it when it happens.
Releasing the Worry
In school, they always talk about how if you breathe and relax before a test you won’t feel so nervous about it, but that doesn’t always work. Sometimes it can be really hard to get rid of the worry you feel before or during an event that is making you feel dread or worry. It’s important to have self-confidence. For you to believe that you can achieve your goal if you work hard for it. Meditation is a great way to release stress over something. By just taking a minute out of your day-to-day life you will feel better. If you are feeling anxiety over something for school, planning can help get rid of that dread. By making a plan it helps you release your worry over something. Instead of pushing work off to do last minute, it makes people feel better when they know what they have to accomplish throughout the day. Lastly, another technique to try is whenever you get a negative thought or idea in your head push it away by thinking about something positive instead.
People to Help Manage
There are many different people you can go to when dealing with anxiety. People who can help you deal are social workers, guidance counselors, or even your teacher. These people can help you by just letting you talk to them about what’s going on. Talking about what’s making you nervous or anxious can help you deal with managing your anxiety and stress. By reaching out for help or talking it over to gain confidence it could help you find ways to get rid of stress, or at least feel more confident. These are the people that you can go to if you need help managing anxiety.
Apps Bring Peace
Many different apps that can assist you when managing anxiety. Meditation apps like Calm or Headspace both work to block out things in your everyday life that cause unease. In addition, these apps can help you live healthier in other ways too by offering ways to get to sleep faster or meditations that force your mind to clear and relax.
So there are various ways anxiety can be represented big or small. Apps and people in your life can help you manage this emotion. By practicing mindfulness every day you can decrease the amount of stress in your life. Downloading an app like Calm can offer you that peace and clear your mind of worry.