Sometimes the smallest detail makes the largest impact on someone’s day.
Within the Hauppauge community, the club Hauppauge for Humanity, founded by Colin Buscariono and Nick Sumwalt, is in charge of the Eagles Food Pantry. These founders have contributed so much to the school that many of us are unaware of, myself included. This was before I had the opportunity to join the club and eventually be offered an officer position; and ever since, this experience has been so rewarding and refreshing.
The Eagles Pantry is operated all by students and by fellow officers Sofia Kalaitzis, Janiyah Dennis Gedeon, Stevie Donna Rosenfeld, and Gabrielle Catanzaro. Last but not least, Madame Pavlides is the advisor for this club, and she has made the co-presidents ideas become a reality. In regards to funding, stocking, running food drives, and more, the club has done it all by giving back to the community. To name a few, the club raised money to purchase 4 senior prom tickets, raised over $1,000 in a sock fundraiser, provided food and hygienic goods to families in need promptly, and held fundraisers like bake sales. The club also participated in the Winter Holiday celebration at the Hauppauge High School to gain a prom ticket by having the best-decorated car! Meetings are held every Monday, and all hands are on deck in this club. Members package orders, write out corporate letters asking for donations, and spread the word!
The food pantry is something we as members of the club take pride in. The food pantry is hot and sweaty, and picking up cans can be tedious work, but at the end of the day, it’s the reason we (H4H) are here in the first place. We are fortunate enough to not have to worry about meals and hygienic products being accessible for us, while some might have to. You never know who is affected or in need, and we might not realize they can be one of our peers. This is the whole reason the food pantry was produced.
The food pantry itself is stocked to the brim, the club has received donations in cash to buy needed items that might need replenishing in the pantry. The pantry is well organized, thanks to Colin Buscarino and the officers. In addition to this, the pantry has moved from the second floor to the first, and there is plenty more space to package orders or execute endeavors the club had planned!
As an officer of the club, I would like to give a huge shout-out to Colin, he has done so much for this club, and he truly cares so much about it. Sometimes you see that people do community service just for a resume or to graduate, but Colin runs the pantry for its said purpose. He simply cares about his community. I would also like to show appreciation to Madame Pav! She puts in the effort by staying after school, helps stock the pantry, and reaches out to custodians to make our passions become projects.
The club is always accepting new members, and fundraisers are coming soon! Make sure to stay involved!