The Titanic can be named one of the biggest fails in history, with an expectation so high, that it surprised and astonished many people at the time. However, we now know that there were multiple flaws, including having 20 lifeboats, only enough to carry 1/3 of the people on board, and ignoring the iceberg warning call. The Titanic planned to go from Southampton, England to New York. It set sail on April 10th, 1912, with about 2,240 passengers. Sadly the last survivor of the Titanic died in 2009 at the age of 97.
The most famous Titanic survivor is “The Unsinkable Molly Brown”, whose story is inspiring, and is an archetype of a caring human being. Her name is called unsinkable because she puts others in front of her own needs. It is a human instinct to save themselves but it takes courage to save another person, she attempted to save many people. In addition, she knew 4 languages including English, French, German, and Russian which helped her communicate and save many people. It is important to acknowledge passengers in the G deck (bottom-most deck) which was the third class. Their survival rate was low since they were farthest away from the lifeboats. Out of the 1,317 people who died on the Titanic roughly 709 were third class.

Although all the survivors of the Titanic have sadly passed away, they will always be remembered for their catastrophic experience and perseverance, many of the survivors are examples of never giving up and helping others.