The Digital Age-As technology gets stronger humans are only going to get used to having these helpful gadgets that we use in our everyday lives but is this a bad thing if humans are becoming addicted and reliant on certain technology products? Ever since the company Apple launched the iPod in 2001 people have looked at the phone as a necessary product to have since it can connect you to the whole world with the help of the internet at any moment. Having access to this is pretty powerful and we Americans forget that having a phone is a privilege compared to other countries where most people don’t have phones. Therefore People should be using their screen time wisely instead of scrolling on social media for hours on end.
Notifications the disruptive act in modern day life-We have all been in class before and either felt our phone vibrate or you heard a notification and all had the feeling of temptation to reach into our pockets and see what is trying to get our attention this is because humans get distracted to easily were known to try to multitask when we aren’t the best at it. so in the 15 sec, you checked your phone you just missed some key important details that could have helped you on your next test. These notifications we get instantly give us digital gratification meaning we get happy to hear or see a notification and we are most likely to stop whatever we’re doing to check it even like when you driving a car you know shouldn’t be on your phone while driving but you still see it happen anyway leading to some people getting hurt or losing life.
Screen downtime– Unplugging from your phone for a couple of hours a day could significantly help humans’ mental health. People have an average screen time of 6 hours and 58 minutes a day. That is like watching 3-4 movies or going to work for a 6-hour shift the amount of time wasted on the phone is absurd. Instead of wasting 6 hours scrolling you could be going to the gym playing a sport or even starting a new hobby. It’s upsetting that some people actually come home and are instantly on their phone for the rest of the day and these people need to detach themselves from the media world.
Endless digital rabbit hole – As one can see technology has changed society and what people do daily in good ways and bad but unplugging here and there isn’t a bad idea. People should be exploring the world and experiencing life for themselves not watching someone else’s life and that’s what people forget they get too caught up on what everyone else’s doing that they don’t do them.