School lunches have been quite a contentious topic for a long, long time. It would seem a great number of students all over the country consider their overall quality less than stellar, to put it lightly, and Hauppauge is certainly no exception. However, many people still can be seen buying it on the daily. As such, I was curious to see the ratio of students who buy lunch to students who bring it. To accomplish this, I asked several students what they do for lunch and why.
So what do people think?
Out of the 8 people I interviewed, these were the results that I received:
People Who Buy Lunch: 5.5
People Who Bring Lunch: 1.5
People Who Don’t Eat at School: 1
Interestingly, despite the amount of flak the school lunches typically get regarding their quality, the overwhelming majority of people interviewed still purchase lunch. The reason for this seems to remain rather consistent throughout each individual.
“…I’m too lazy to make myself lunch in the morning.” -Justin C.
“It’s easier than waking up early and making food.” -Melanie L.
“When I do eat lunch, it’s probably at school. I’m too lazy.” -Kayla C.
Considering the way school schedules conflict with the average teenager’s sleep schedule, this is an understandable line of reasoning. Another interesting result, and one I hadn’t foreseen, was that some students may alternate between buying lunch depending on their schedules.
“I bring [lunch] on the days I don’t have a lunch period, so every other day.” -Sara C.
What do I think?
Most days I eat lunch when I get home, so I don’t usually see the need to eat at the school as well. However, on days where I know I’m going to be home late I might buy lunch to hold me off until then. Generally, I think it’s good that the school offers lunch to those who don’t or can’t make it themselves, but it’s also definitely something I wouldn’t eat daily.