Throughout high school, I think everyone can agree that they have taken amazing classes and classes that made them want to cry every day. For the amazing classes, there are many different reasons why people enjoy those certain classes over others. I wanted to find out what are people’s favorite classes and what made those classes stand out so much more than others. I interviewed five students from Hauppauge High School and asked them “What is your favorite class you have taken in high school and Why?” to help other students decide on what classes to take when they have to decide on their schedule when that time comes.
Student’s Opinions
- When I asked a student named Ryan what his favorite class was there was no hesitation before he answered with “AP Physics I”. AP Physics I is considered one of the hardest of the AP classes and is considered the 2nd toughest AP subject when compared to all the other 38 subjects. After hearing this response, I needed to hear what made this difficult class his favorite class he has ever taken. His response was “Mr.Petercsak is an amazing teacher who creates a learning environment mixed with knowledge and fun. I think this environment is necessary when it comes to learning hard concepts like the ones in this class.” Ryan goes on to say the reason he loves this class so much is because Mr.Petercsak’s passion for physics gives the whole class motivation to do the very best they can.
- The next student I asked the question to was Allie. Allie said her favorite class was half-year chemistry and half-year physics. In this class, you can experience both chemistry and physics without having to take a Regent test at the end of the year. When I asked her to explain why this was her favorite class she responded by saying, “My teachers made the class extremely fun and they made sure the class was a perfect balance of work and creativity.” Allie went on to say that if she could she would retake the class because of how much she enjoyed doing the work.
- The third student I interviewed was Victoria. Victoria’s favorite class is college freshman English. This class is a college-level class that you can earn college credits for. This class is only for seniors and a lot of seniors choose to take this class because the credits can transfer to most colleges which can help students be able to take fewer classes in college. Victoria said that the main reason she loves this class so much is because of her teachers. She has Mr.Gillen and Mr.Graunamin and she states that “in this class every day we learn something new and even when we are doing work we are having fun.” Then she went on to say how she recommends this class to every senior.
- The following student wanted me to make it clear that she found her love for German through German classes she took during her time in high school and she can’t be grateful enough for all the teachers who have helped her find this love. This student’s favorite class is IB German. This student’s name is Riley and she said this is her favorite class because “Cardi is an amazing teacher. Through her class, I can learn a new language and be able to impress a new culture. Cardi has helped me discover the passion I have for learning German culture and I will forever be grateful for her.” Riley went on to say that without Cardi, she would have never been able to express going to Germany and having such an amazing time there.
- The last person I interviewed was Gabby. This student said her favorite class is college fundamentals of Pre-calculus. She said she loves this class so much because “My teacher, Mrs. Governali, is an amazing teacher who never gets frustrated when I don’t understand something and is always willing to help me in class and during extra help when I need it. I was scared that this class would be super hard because it is a college class but Mrs.Governali always makes sure I feel confident going into every test which calms my nerves and helps me do better as a whole in the class.” Gabby went on to say that this class has helped her regain her confidence in math.
My Opinion
My favorite class I have ever taken is the science class I am taking right now which is AP biology. AP Biology is an advanced biology class. AP Biology is the 8th most difficult AP course and many students find it difficult due to the advanced labs and amount of knowledge needed for the class. In my opinion, this class is difficult but my teacher makes sure everyone in the class feels supported which makes everyone feel like they can take the class and pass the class with confidence. Mrs. Montgomery has created a class environment where everyone can feel comfortable and safe to ask for help and to ask questions. She cares about her students and her job a lot which everyone in the class can see which makes us all want to do better as a whole and makes us want to work harder because she works so hard for us.
After interviewing a couple of students, a conclusion can be made that the reason a class is someone’s favorite is because of the teacher and the environment they create in their classroom. The biggest takeaway as a school is we have to be more appreciative of teachers because a lot of teachers put their all into making sure their students succeed and feel supported. Thank you, teachers, for everything you do, I promise everything you guys do does not go unnoticed.