Natural Hair All The Way: How to Embrace Your Natural Hair
In modern society, many people struggle to love their natural hair. Many people hated their curls, the frizz, and the volume of their hair, so they use a lot of heat on their hair to “fix” it. This leads to people asking themselves, others, and the internet, how do I embrace my curling hair? In this article, I will
share tips on how to embrace your natural hair and why it is so important to embrace it.
Tips for curly/wavy hair
First, it is important to understand if you have curly hair, wavy hair, or straightened hair. If you have been treating your wavy hair and curly hair like it is straight, then it makes it hard to figure out which one you have. A couple of signs that your hair is curly or wavy is if after you wash it and let it dry naturally and you have little curls by your ears that is a sign. Another sign is your hair has a ton of volume when it is humid weather. Most importantly, if you believe you have curly hair or wavy hair, start treating your hair like it is. The first step is to use little to no heat. Straightening your hair or blow drying it can cause a lot of damage to curls or waves. Also, it is important to do your own research and follow types from people that have the same hair texture as you and try the products they use. Curly hair and wavy hair are all about trial and error until you find the perfect product for you. It is important to learn about your hair and to understand your hair. For any type of curl patterns or texture, always moisturize your hair by doing hair masks before washing and putting in leave-in conditions after you shower. Also, it is important to understand you don’t need to wash your hair every day. Washing your hair every day is actually very unhealthy and actually causes more damage. Start by making a wash-day schedule, picking days to wash your hair, and doing your full hair routine on those certain days. This doesn’t mean you can’t shower, just don’t wash your hair every time you shower. It is important to not give up on your hair and it will be worth it in the long run because healthy hair is better than over-process hair.
Tips for straight hair
For straight hair, it is important to have a good shampoo and conditioner. It is important that the shampoo and conditioner have no sulfates in them. Having a sulfate-free due will cleanse and remove product buildup. It is important to not over-wash your hair. It is important to start a wash day schedule and try to stick to it because washing your hair less will cause less damage. Products that are recommended for straightened hair are hair serums. This hair can help boost your hair’s sleekness and help it look more healthy. Heat can be very damaging even for already straight hair, understand that your straight hair is going to be different than others, but that doesn’t mean you have to straighten it. Try to use as less heat products on your hair as much as you can. If you do use heat products make sure to put a heat protective spring to reduce the damage the heat will cause.
Why is this important?
The first reason is everyone in the world has different natural hair and different colored hair. Your hair is your own unique hair that no one else has, so why not embrace it and show off what’s yours? Another reason is natural hair when taken care of is healthy hair. It is important to ignore harsh chemicals that can cause it to be unhealthy. Healthy hair is always better than unhealthy hair. Finally, the most important is embracing your natural hair can help you discover yourself. Embracing your natural hair can make you feel like you and be able to understand your true self. No matter what society says, your hair is beautiful because it is your own unique hair.