Apple Watch Review

What is it?
Apple Watches are wearable smartwatches that allow you to receive notifications, track workouts, and communicate in a variety of ways. Apple Watches are the key to developing a healthier lifestyle. Apple Watches are produced by Apple, they are like little iPhones on your wrist. They are able to track heart rate and blood oxygen levels. The watch will notify you if it senses any serious issues or abnormalities in your vitals so you can get the help you need. This is especially essential for very active people because although they are healthy and constantly being active it gives them a higher rate of having accidental health issues.
Is it Worth it? Pros and Cons
Apple Watches are the perfect alternative if you would like to start spending less time on your phone and more time staying active. They are especially good if you enjoy technology but want a break from your phone. However, like any product, it has its pros and cons. The biggest noticeable con in this product is the price; Apple Watch prices range from around $400-$800, which is definitely on the more expensive side. Another con is that some series are not waterproof. The newer ones have a water lock feature but if you have an older series you might have an issue with bringing it in water. But due to their high prices, they do have extremely nice features. An Apple Watch Pro contains a fitness tracker, music, Bluetooth features, and so many health features to ensure that you stay as healthy as possible while wearing the watch.
Intended Audience
The age group that purchases the most Apple Watches are 20-45-year-olds. This is because adults typically want to start to stay active and fit as they get older, which is why most people who purchase these watches are adults. It also makes sense because adults around this age are usually working and making a good amount of money which is why they are able to afford them, rather than young teenagers who typically don’t have jobs.
My Opinion
Personally, I own an Apple Watch Series 8 and I love it! It is extremely useful in many ways. It helps me stay active, and communicate with people when I am unable to access my phone. I love to swim and it has an amazing feature that counts my laps, tracks my calories, and tracks my yards. It is a very helpful tool and I would definitely recommend getting one if you are any sort of athlete.