How to Prepare for Finals

Studying and Reviewing
With finals and regents just around the corner, it’s crucial to study and review the best you can. Studying can be, devoting time and attention to gaining knowledge on a subject or topic. Reviewing can be looking over your notes and previous classwork to refresh your brain. Studying can be hard, it’s hard to sit down and just do a simple task. That’s why having a good study partner, finding a good study routine, or even just finding a good study spot is super important. Taking breaks is just as important, it’s more effective if you study and give yourself a rest. If you study consistently with no breaks you tend to forget more because your brain is tired.
Study Strategies
They are many strategies you can use when studying, the matter in which you study will overall affect how much information you take in. Some studying strategies that have proven to be effective are making flashcards, rewriting/re-reading your notes, and organizing them into categories. Get help from your peers or teachers if you need it. Don’t cram or wait until the last minute to study. Verbalize what you know – tell/teach the material to someone else. This one is the most important because if you can speak it and teach it to others, you can understand it.
Finals are the last assessment for an individual class. Most schools reserve about a week or 2 at the end of the quarter for finals. During this time, students don’t attend regular classes, instead, they take each final for a few hours and then go home. Now how do you study for finals? How do you remember little specific details you were taught 9 months ago? Typically, studying should begin at least five days in advance of the exam so that students have enough time to go over key concepts and material. It also gives you time to reach out to your instructor or peers if they find they have any questions.
Regents are very similar to a final, but they are only administered by New York State. Regents Examinations are statewide standardized examinations in core high school subjects. Students are required to pass these exams to earn a Regents Diploma. Regents date all the way back to 1876, which is why they are so encouraged and enforced by the state. Only certain classes require regents at the end of the year. Now how should you prepare for them? Pretty much the same way you would prepare for any other final exam. Doing old regents as practice for the test helps a lot, but so does making flashcards, rewriting/re-read your notes, reorganizing them into categories, and getting help from your peers or teachers. Everyone needs help sometimes, so don’t be afraid to ask for it.