Strong Island Derby Revolution

Strong Island Derby Revolution, or SIDR, is a women’s flat-track roller derby team here on Long Island. Women over the age of eighteen are eligible to join. This sport is very close to my family, because my mom, step-mom, and both my aunts all play or used to play. So I grew up surrounded by roller derby, and have written this article to share my love with you.
Rules and Gameplay
The rules are simple. There is a jammer, whose job is to score points, one team’s blockers and the other team’s blockers. The blockers on the jammer’s team want to help their jammer score points by passing the hips of an opposing blocker and the opposing team’s blockers are trying to stop the jammer from scoring. Blockers cannot score on the jammer. There are two jammers on the track, and whoever gets through the pack of blockers first is declared lead jammer. The lead jammer can stop or call the jam off at any time. Both jammers can score, but only the lead jammer can call it off. Games last an hour, with thirty-minute halves. Each jam cannot exceed two minutes. If the lead jammer goes to the penalty box, she loses the lead.
Deniz Kulac, or Savage as she’s called in the rink, my stepmother said, “I loved how challenging, competitive it is. Not just anyone can play this sport, you have to be good on skates and aggressive. I am now a coach because it’s rewarding to see how you can coach people to be better. You are a part of their success.” All of the people she met have had an impact on her in one way or another. She met my mother through derby, so I am personally grateful for that.
Skater and Coach, Kristi Alteri, or “Brawler 411,” my Mom, loves roller derby. Her story is actually quite inspiring:
“I saw my first game in 2012 and joined Strong Island Derby Revolution a week later. I had no skating experience and actually put my pads on upside down the very first practice. I was nervous, self-conscious, and pretty intimidated by everyone. I quickly realized that roller derby is a journey, and the support and encouragement that I received from my teammates kept me coming back week after week.
This sport changed my life and made me see that I am capable of way more than I ever thought possible. I found people that have become my family and gained a confidence that I never knew was there.”
The Team
Strong Island Derby Revolution is the long island women’s flat-track roller derby team. This team is made up of blockers, jammers, new cadets, and coaches. All of these people are key components in the game. All of these team members are crucial to the success of the team. Anyone over the age of eighteen can join the league and will become a cadet. All official team members have their derby names and numbers. Once cadets graduate to an official member of the team, they get to choose their name, and it can be anything they want.
In roller derby, games are called bouts. During these bouts two teams oppose each other, trying to score the most points, and get the least amount of penalties. Friends and family can come watch, and small businesses or food trucks sell their products and food. You can also buy merchandise from both teams. Bouts arent long or expensive, and are a great thing to do with family and friends. The next bout is April 2nd, 2022.
Overall, roller derby is a very complex sport that takes a lot of athleticism from its players. The rules are complex and sometimes hard to follow. But the athletes love the game, and their families love to watch. The players are devoted to the game and love what they do. Roller derby is a fun way to connect with others, and very entertaining to watch.