Putting an End to Procrastination

Putting an End to Procrastination

What is Procrastination?

Procrastination is defined as the action of delaying or postponing something. For example if you procrastinate to do your homework, you are doing other things to purposely avoid doing that certain task. Many people procrastinate without realizing it because it is a habit to just push things off and say “I’ll do it later”. The truth about procrastinating is that although you feel better when you push those tasks away and don’t have to worry about them, procrastination can hurt you in the long run. 

Effects of procrastination

Procrastinating happens easily even though you may not notice it. Most procrastinate because they feel they will fail at what they have to do, or just don’t want to do it. The bad thing about procrastination is that it can

Procrastination: Why We Do It and What It Says About Our Psyche

 lead to low self confidence, low energy, higher levels of frustration, stress, and anxiety. Procrastination can also affect your grades, school work, and even over all health. These are the reasons it is good to learn how to break the habit of procrastination, and learn how to be more efficient in getting things done.

Ways to avoid procrastination

There are many ways to avoid procrastination, some being as easy as setting time blocks so you don’t get too stressed, to having to put your phone in another room or go to the library. Avoiding procrastination means four main things, organizing, prioritizing, setting goals, and rewarding. These four things are very important because you need to have some sort of way to be organized so you’re not too stressed. You need to prioritize things that are important and take time. You need to set goals so you have a main idea and something to accomplish in the end. And lastly you need to reward yourself so that you can look forward to something and really appreciate what you have done. These four main ideas all tie together to being true to yourself, being neat, and accomplishing something.

How Can Others Help?

When it comes to procrastination, you may need someone to help you focus. For example, having a friend or someone to study with. Maybe having a family member help you by taking your phone so you don’t get Stop Procrastinating and Start Doing. | Outcomes Business Groupdistracted. Or even someone to help you plan out how to organize your things. Having a friend or someone with you sometimes helps to keep you in check and aware of what you have to do. Joining study groups could be a good way to not procrastinate and focus on your work. Another idea may be getting a tutor, having a person who is there to help you and can push you to work harder and motivate you is sometimes a great way to stop procrastination.