Hauppauge Lacrosse

As a senior, looking back into all the years I have been in Hauppauge High school there have been many things that have stood out to me and have molded me into the person I am today and the person I will be as I continue forward into College. I have never been the type to really love school. Of course, I like to see my friends and there were some fun days but academically, it has never been something I feel very passionate about. I remember the mornings of middle school where the curriculum we learned started to shift from arts and crafts to tests and essays and my mom had to drag me out of bed just to get up and go to school. I played sick and begged my mom to stay home almost every day. The only times I would never ask to stay home were the days that were part of the lacrosse season. If I did not attend school I knew that I could not go to practice or my game so I never even dared to ask. The reason I have always tried in school was also because of lacrosse. My coaches have always told me that if I could be the best lacrosse player in the world but if I’m failing out of school, lacrosse will not matter. So basically I would like to thank Hauppauge Lacrosse. I do not think I would be the person I am today without the organization that I have proudly been a part of since second grade. The friendships that I have made on my teams and the bonds we have are irreplaceable and I consider them to be family. Out of all the years, I have been playing lacrosse for Hauppauge, this year impacted me the most. Last year, my junior year was taken away due to Covid and unfortunately, we missed out on having the leadership from some great girls. These girls would have been able to show us how to be a leader and a role model when we became seniors the following year but we were only able to have their guidance for a short time. This year going into the season the seniors understood how much of a gift this season was about to be. Yes we have three games a week and yes we are sore and tired at the end of the day but throughout the season there have been so many smiles and laughs that we have all shared together and we have been able to make some of the best memories together. Going into the season I found myself leaving the leadership role to another senior who I had thought would take on that role but about mid-season, I realized the team needed someone to step up. After long talks with coaches and teammates, we realized that that was what the team was missing and I think we all stepped up to the plate when our team was in need. Hauppauge lacrosse has shown me what commitment means and most importantly showed me how to be a leader. Every day I step on the field I remember that there are underclassmen that are looking up to me and I need to be a role model so they can become better teammates as they grow. Being a part of Hauppauge lacrosse has made me who I am today and made my entire school experience ten times better. Thank you Hauppauge lacrosse.


Jessilynn Galgano – Author